It comes from a life-size statue, probably depicting a dignitary or prominent citizen, which was made during a prosperous period of the city. The foot is shown wearing sandals (sandalium - solea), with a thick sole and faces made of ribons. The strap heats the ankle and is tied to the front by a prominent knot, from which hang the long ends. The strap that connects the sole to the strap is adorned with a prominent button.
Dimensions: Length = 21 cm; Width = 10.5 cm. It does not retain the heel and has small damaged surfaces.
Place of discovery: Kallatis - Mangalia (Constanța County, Romania); fortuitous discovery, in a sewer ditch. Collection of the Museum of National History and Archaeology Constanța; Inv. no. 4000.
Dating: 2nd – 3rd centuries AD.
Bibliography: Mihai Irimia, Bronzuri figurate [Figured bronzes], Constanța, Muzeul Regional de Arheologie Dobrogea, 1966, p. 43-44.