Cartographic Module

Balkans, Romania, Greece [being a reinterpreted map of Ptolemy Tabula IX Europae]

  • Creator Lorenz (Laurent) Fries
  • Date 1525
  • Publisher/Imprint Lyon: publisher Melchior and Gaspar Trechsel
  • Language English
  • Format 48.26 x 30.48 cm, paper
  • Map data 44 06'05.28'' N 28 43'23.23'' E
    46 11'12.45'' N 21 18'39.17'' E
    47 09'05.07'' N 27 42'03.28'' E
    45 40'17.17'' N 21 17'46.37'' E
    38 14'25.96'' N 15 37'38.22'' E
    44 26'02.63'' N 26 05'53.01'' E
    45 10'24.91'' N 28 47'44.24'' E
    43 10'30.29'' N 27 57'01.39'' E
    45 13'13.75'' N 28 00'44.36'' E
    44 04'58.86'' N 27 17'19.73'' E
  • Reference ): It was first published in Strasbourg by Johannes Grüninger (c.1455-1532/33) in 1522, and then an improved edition appeared in 1525, when the text was re-edited by Willibald Pirkheimer (

1 map; hand colored

Cartographic Module

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