Cartographic Module

The Plan of Hârșova Castle with the showing of the former suburb and the situation of the year 1775

  • Date 1775
  • Language Russian
  • Format 48 x 58 cm, paper
  • Map data 44 40’50.51’’ N 27 56’34.79’’ E
    44 40’52.02’’ N 27 57’17.73’’ E
  • Providing institution ”V.I. Vernadski” National Library of Ukraine, Kiev, being part of the Collection of maps and plans of the Museum of the Imperial Society of History and Antiquities established in 1839 in Odessa.
  • Reference Aurel-Daniel Stănică, Constantin Nicolae, Mihai Anatolii Ciobanu, Planurile și prospectele cetății Hârșova în arhive străine / Plans and prospects of Hârșova fortress in foreign archives, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2021, p.42, no.10.

1 map, colored, print

Cartographic Module

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