  • Creator Munster
  • Date 1550

Interesting map covering the region west of the Black Sea and north of the Aegean and Adriatic Seas, including the Straits of Bosphorus, from the 1542 edition of Munster's Geographia. The map is unchanged from the 1540 edition. Munster's Geographia was a cartographic landmark, including not only Ptolemaic maps, but also a number of landmark modern maps, including the first separate maps of the 4 continents, the first map of England and the earliest obtainable map of Scandinavia. Munster dominated cartographic publication during the mid-16th Century. Munster is generally regarded as one of the three most important map makers of the 16th Century, along with Ortelius and Mercator. Munster was a linguist and mathematician, who initially taught Hebrew in Heidelberg. He issued his first mapping of Germany in 1529, after which he issued a call geographical information about Germany to scholars throughout the country. The response was better than hoped for, and included substantial foreign material, which supplied him with up to date, if not necessarily accurate maps for the issuance of his Geographia in 1540. : Map shows Europe, Greece, Balkans, Turkey, Aegean, Asia Minor.

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