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The Danube and the Black Sea in the Eurasian space. History, political realities and diplomacy.

  • Resource Name The Danube and the Black Sea in the Eurasian space. History, political realities and diplomacy.
  • Author EDITEDs: Andreea Atanasiu-Croitoru, Florin C. Stan
  • ISBN 978-606-11-3898-2
  • Material type Text
  • Subject archeology and history; Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, Russia, Ukraine (Europe and Asia)
  • Publisher Editura Sitech, Craiova
  • Year 2014
  • Format 24 cm; 407 p., 36 ill.
  • Format printing
  • Language Romanian (with abstracts in English)
  • Annotation Dunărea și Marea Neagră în spațiul Euroasiatic. Istorie, relații politice și diplomație. Lucrările celei de-a XVII-a ediții a Sesiunii Naționale de Comunicări Științifice a Muzeului Marinei Române (original title). The volume studies combine political aspects with lesser-known economical and demographical aspects in order to contribute to a new, comprehensive view of the relations from Antiquity in the Black See and Danube area. The volume has a number of 37 articles with 1 editorial addition. It is aimed at the specialist and general public.

Foreword – 37 articles- Program of the 17th edition of the National Session of Scientific Communications of the Museum of the Romanian Navy. Constanța 17-19 October 2013.

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