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The evolution of navigation on the Lower Danube and the Black Sea in the Romanian Middle Ages

  • Resource Name The evolution of navigation on the Lower Danube and the Black Sea in the Romanian Middle Ages
  • Author Andreea Atanasiu
  • ISBN 973-88093-1-2, 978-973-88093-1-4
  • Material type Text
  • Subject navigation, Middle Ages, Ottoman monopoly, portolans; Romania, Balkans (Europe)
  • Publisher Editura Muzelui Marinei Române, Constanţa
  • Year 2006
  • Format 24 cm, 243 p.
  • Format printing
  • Language Romanian
  • Annotation Evoluţia navigaţiei la Dunărea de Jos şi Marea Neagră în Evul Mediu românesc (original title). The work presents the navigation on the Danube and in the Black Sea in the conditions of the formation and consolidation of the Romanian medieval states (14th-15th centuries). It shows the use of the means of navigation in the struggle for independence of the Romanian Lands, but also the increase and decrease of the Ottoman monopoly on navigation on the Danube and the Sea. It presents Romanian ports on the Danube and in the Black Sea in the Middle Ages, together with the river-maritime traffic in Romanian waters and its importance for the economic development of the Romanian Lands. He also discusses ship building in the Romanian Lands in the 15th - 18th centuries, traditions, craftsmen and construction materials, along with the types of Romanian and foreign ships that sailed on the Black Sea and the Danube. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.

Beginnings –Navigation on the Danube and in the Black Sea in the conditions of formation and consolidation of the Romanian medieval states (14th-15th centuries) –Use of means of navigation in the struggle for independence of the Romanian Lands - Increase and decrease and in the Black Sea in the Middle Ages – Romanian ports on the Danube and in the Black Sea in the Middle Ages – River-maritime traffic in Romanian waters and its importance for the economic development of the Roman countries – Shipbuilding in the Romanian Lands in the 15th-18th centuries. Traditions. Craftsmen and building materials – Types of Romanian and foreign ships that sailed on the Black Sea and the Danube. Navigating staff – The Black Sea and the mouth of the Danube in the Italic and Catalan portolans of the Middle Ages – Dictionary of sailor's terms – Bibliography.

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