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Freight transport by inland waterways in the Roman provinces of the Rhine and Danube (1st-3rd centuries AD)

  • Resource Name Freight transport by inland waterways in the Roman provinces of the Rhine and Danube (1st-3rd centuries AD)
  • Author Claudiu I. Munteanu
  • ISBN 978-606-93765-2-2
  • Material type Text
  • Subject history and archaeology, river transport, Roman provinces; Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Greek, Turkey, Ukraine, (Europe).
  • Publisher Editura Muzeului Național Brukenthal, Sibiu
  • Year 2015
  • Format 29.5 cm, 349 p., 245 ill.
  • Format printing
  • Language Romanian
  • Annotation Transportul de mărfuri pe căile navigabile interioare din provinciile romane renane şi dunărene (secolele I-III p. Chr.) (original title). The author analyzes roman transports on the Rhine and Danube, discussing the transportation routes, the typology of the boats but also the organization of trade in the province from the banks of the two rivers. The importance of the book resides in the comparison made by the author between commercial models on both rivers and between the roman provinces which they pass through. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.

Introduction - The importance of river routs of transport in the context of Roman trade relations - Study of research on river boats in the Rhine and Danube provinces - Organization of river trade in the Rhine and Danube provinces - Typology of transport boats - Bibliography - Abbreviations – Illustration.

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