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Late Roman and Paleo-Byzantine pottery from Capidava in the context of discoveries from the Lower Danube (4th - 6th century AD)

  • Resource Name Late Roman and Paleo-Byzantine pottery from Capidava in the context of discoveries from the Lower Danube (4th - 6th century AD)
  • Author Ioan C. Opriş
  • ISBN 973-45-0460-6
  • Material type Text
  • Subject history and archaeology, pottery, Roman period; Dobrudja, Romania (Europe).
  • Publisher Editura Enciclopedică, Bucureşti
  • Year 2003
  • Format 23.5 cm, 241 p., 64 ill.
  • Format printing
  • Language Romanian (with an abstract in English)
  • Annotation Ceramica romană târzie şi paleobizantină de la Capidava în contextul descoperirilor de la Dunărea de Jos (sec. IV – VI p. Chr.) (original title). The author analyses roman pottery discovered in one of the most important fortification from Dobrudja. The site is located on the right bank of the Danube, and in Roman times benefited from the existence of a harbour. The importance of the book is determined by the integration in the scientific circuit of numerous unpublished materials, including archaeological rarities, and the analysing of the ceramic material from Capidava in the frame discoveries of the late Roman Empire. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.

Foreword - List of abbreviations - Historical and archaeological introduction - Late Roman and Paleo-Byzantine pottery discovered at Capidava - Conclusions - Bibliography - Summary - List of charts - List of tables.

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