• Resource Name Les duchés byzantins de Paristrion (Paradounavon) et de Bulgarie
  • Author Nicolae Bănescu
  • ISBN -
  • Material type Text
  • Subject history, military, Byzantium, Middle Ages; Balkan region, Bulgaria (Europe)
  • Publisher Institut Roumain d’Études Byzantinés, Bucarest
  • Year 1946
  • Format 21 cm; 193 p., 3 ill., 1 map
  • Format printing
  • Language French
  • Annotation The situation created in Bulgaria after the conquest by Basil II is presented. The formation and evolution of the Theme of Paristrion (Paradounavon) is analyzed: its origin, name, residence, known commanders, military importance and its ethnography in the 11th - 12th centuries. At the Theme of Bulgarian, the organization and purpose of the theme, the residence of its commander, the series of governors, ethnography and the military role are analyzed. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.

Preface – The political situation of Bulgaria under Byzantine rule – Theme of Paristrion-Paradounavon (Paradounavis) – Theme of Bulgaria - The series of governors of Paristrion (Paradounavon) - The series of governors of Bulgaria - Alphabetical index.   

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