• Име на ресурса A Historical Archaeology of the Ottoman Empire. Breaking New Ground.
  • Автор Uzi Baram, Linda Caroll
  • ISBN 0-306-46311-3
  • Тип материал Text
  • Тема history and archeology; Ottoman Empire, Romania (Europe, Asia)
  • Публикувал Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, Boeton, Dordrecht, London, Moscow
  • Година 2002
  • Формат 30 cm, 277 p., ill.
  • Формат printing
  • Език English
  • Представяне The paper addresses the history of the Ottoman Empire in terms of archaeological findings. Interdisciplinary studies complement and help to make a relevant analysis. Regional aspects of the empire's history are pointed out. The chapters was written by mor many specialist. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.
  • Връзка към електронен ресурс https://www.academia.edu/29652921/A_Historical_Archaeology_of_the_Ottoman_Empire_Breaking_New_Ground_Edited_by_Uzi_Baram_and_Lynda_Carroll

Preface – 1. The Future of the Ottoman past – 2. From Archaeology to a „History from Below” – 3. The Archaeology of the Ottoman Ti`innik: An Interdisciplinary Approach – 4. Dendrochronogically Dated Ottoman Monuments – 5. Entangled objects from the Palestinian Past: Archaeological Perspective for the Ottoma Period, 1500-1900 – 6. Toward an Archaeology of Non-elite Consumption in Late Ottoman Anatolia – 7. The Sadana Island Shipwreck: A Mideighteen-Century Treasure Trove – 8. Daily Life in the Shadow of Empire: A Food System Approach to the Archaeology of the Ottoman Period – 9. Transformations, Readings and Visions of the Ottoman Mosque – 10. Sultans, Merchants, and Minorities: The Challenge of Historical Archaeology in the Modern Middle East – 11. Diverse Approaches to the Ottoman Past: Toward a Globally Conceived, Regionally Specific Historical Archaeology – References – Appendix: Chronology for the Ottoman Empire: Some Key dates in Ottoman History, 1260-1923 - Index

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