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Dinogetia II. Amforele Romane – Dinogetia II. Roman Amphoras

Автор: A. Opaiț, A. Barnea, B. Grigoraș, A. Panaite, D. Hălmagi

Година: 2022

Публикувал: Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca

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Lămpile antice din colecția Muzeului Brăilei ,,Carol Iʽʽ - Lampes antiques dans le collections du Musée de Brăila ,,Carol Iʽʽ

Автор: AUTHORS: F. Topoleanu, C. Croitoru, CONTRIBUTOR (s) [Translator]: L. Sîrbu

Година: 2015

Публикувал: Maison d’édition Istros, Brăila

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The Brooch Workshops from Dacia and the other Danubian Provinces of the Roman Empire (1st c. BC- 3rd c. AD)

Автор: AUTHORS: Sorin Cociș, CONTRIBUTOR (s) [Translator]: G. Balica

Година: 2019

Публикувал: Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca

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Ad Fines Imperii Romani. Studia Thaddaeo Sarnowski septuagenario ab amicis, collegis discipulusque dedicata

Автор: EDITED: A. Tomas

Година: 2015

Публикувал: Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, Warshav

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Atlas of Roman Pottery Workshops from the Provinces Dacia and Lower Moesia/Scythia Minor (1st-7th centuries AD.) (I)

Автор: EDITED: V. Rusu-Bolindeț, C. A. Roman, M. Gui, I. A. Iliescu, F. O. Botiș, S. Mustață, D. Petruț

Година: 2018

Публикувал: Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca

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The Supply of Ceramic Goods in Dacia and Moesia: Imports and Local Development. Exhibition Catalogue

Автор: EDITED: V. Rusu-Bolindeț, F. O. Botiș

Година: 2018

Публикувал: Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca

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Faber. Studies in Honour of Sorin Cociș at his 65th Anniversary

Автор: EDITED: S. Mustață, V.A. Lăzărescu, V. Bârcă, V. Rusu-Bolindeț, D. Matei

Година: 2022

Публикувал: Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca

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HERiPRENEURSHIP. Sustainable Tourism, Heritage Management and the Cultural and Creative Industries

Автор: EDITED: G. Nuțu, S.C. Ailincăi, A. Țârlea, E. Ștefan

Година: 2023

Публикувал: Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca

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Artefacts from the collections of the Museum of National History and Archaeology from Constanța

Автор: EDITED: A. Cristina Hamat, Ș. Georgescu, T. Potârniche

Година: 2024

Публикувал: Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca

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Histria VIII. Timbrele amforice 3. Rodos - Histria VIII. Les timbres Amphoriques 3. Rhodes

Автор: Alexandru Avram, Niculae Conovici

Година: 2023

Публикувал: Editura Academiei Române, București

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