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New sources on the history of the Black Sea

Автор: Ștefan Andreescu

Година: 2005

Публикувал: Institutul Cultural Român, București

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Romanian sites, churches and monasteries in Dobrudja, before 1878

Автор: Gheorghe Dumitrașcu

Година: 1996

Публикувал: Editura Fundației ”Andrei Șaguna”, Constanța

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Description of Moldavia

Автор: Dimitrie Cantemir

Година: 1992

Публикувал: Editura Hyperion, Chișinău

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Tomis. Historical and archaeological commentary

Автор: Livia Buzoianu, Maria Bărbulescu [Translator]: Corina Apostoleanu

Година: 2012

Публикувал: Ex Ponto, Constanța

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Onomasticon Turcicum. Turkic personal names

Автор: László Rásonyi, Imre Baski

Година: 2007

Публикувал: Indiana University, Denis Sinor Institute for Inner Asian Studies; Bloomington.

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The great migrations from Eastern and South-Eastern Europe in the 9th-13th centuries

Автор: Victor Spinei

Година: 1999

Публикувал: Institutul European, București

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Foreign travelers about the Romanian Lands in the 19th century (1862-1866)

Автор: [coord.] Daniela Bușă

Година: 2013

Публикувал: Editura Academiei Române, București

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The evolution of navigation on the Lower Danube and the Black Sea in the Romanian Middle Ages

Автор: Andreea Atanasiu

Година: 2006

Публикувал: Editura Muzelui Marinei Române, Constanţa

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Foreign travelers about the Romanian Lands in the 19th century (1852-1856)

Автор: Daniela Bușă

Година: 2010

Публикувал: Editura Academiei Române, București

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Ottoman imperial integration of the territories of south-eastern Europe. Sancak Silistra (15th-16th centuries)

Автор: Anca Popescu

Година: 2013

Публикувал: Editura Muzeului Național al Literaturii Române, București

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Foreign travelers about the Romanian Lands in the 19th century (1867-1871)

Автор: EDITOR: Daniela Bușă

Година: 2015

Публикувал: Editura Academiei Române, București

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Land Registry Archive since the Ottoman Empire

Автор: EDITOR: Mehmed Zeki Adlı

Година: 2010

Публикувал: Directorate general of Land registry and Cadastre, Department of Archive for Land registry, Ankara

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