• Име на ресурса Foreign travelers about the Romanian Lands in the 19th century (1867-1871)
  • Автор EDITOR: Daniela Bușă
  • ISBN 973-27-2493-5; 978-973-27-2493-4
  • Тип материал Text
  • Тема history, ethnic communities, travelers; Romania (Europe)
  • Публикувал Editura Academiei Române, București
  • Година 2015
  • Формат 25 cm; 347 p., colour ill.
  • Формат printing
  • Език Romanian
  • Представяне Călători străini despre Țările Române în secolul al XIX-lea (1867-1871) (original title). The transformations in the space inhabited by Romanians, government instability, disputes between radicals and conservatives, dynastic crisis, but also how some external events were perceived by Romanians and the reaction of rulers and the prince, aroused interest and curiosity of Westerners. This fact is highlighted by the large number of records of some scholars present at the Lower Danube. These meticulously recorded the facts, the decisions, presented the measures, correctly notified, and commented on the atmosphere, their events and consequences. Others left us images of the places visited, faces, monuments, they immortalized the daily life of the Romanians and the ethnic communities they encountered. All this is reflected in the pages of the volume. New Series, Volume IX. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.
  • Връзка към електронен ресурс https://en.calameo.com/books/000827433fa7251c1a650

Preface; Antoine Émile Ernest Desjardins - Vasili Kelsiev - Robert Arthur Arnold - Émile Étienne Guimet - Ulysse de Marsillac - Jeanne Louise Adélaïde (Adèle) - Hommaire de Hell - Wilhelm Brennecke - Alfred de Caston - Wilhelm August von Zerboni di Sposetti - Albert de Burton - Frédéric Béchard - Wilhelm Wiener - Jan Nepomuk Neruda - Arthur Augustus Thurlow Cunynghame - Wilhelm Langhans - Léon Julien Hugonnet - Chronological repertoire – Index - List of translators and collaborators.

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