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The Mongols and the Black Sea in the 13th and 14th centuries.

Автор: Ciocîltan Virgil

Година: 1998

Публикувал: Editura Enciclopedică, București

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The Turkish cultural legacy in Dobrudja

Автор: EDITORS: Tasin Gemil, Gabriel Custurea, Delia Roxana Cornea

Година: 2013

Публикувал: Editura Top Form, București

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Cumans and Tatars: Oriental Military in the Pre-Ottoman Balkans, 1185–1365

Автор: Istvan Vásáry

Година: 2005

Публикувал: Cambridge University Press, New York

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Romanian history studies. Economy and society (13th - 18th centuries)

Автор: Șerban Papacostea

Година: 2009

Публикувал: Editura Istros, Brăila

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From the history of the Dobrudjan Turks

Автор: Mehmet Ali Ekrem CONTRIBUTOR: Foreword by Demény Lajos

Година: 1994

Публикувал: Editura Kriterion, București

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Plans and prospects of Hârșova fortress in foreign archives

Автор: Aurel-Daniel Stănică, Constantin Nicolae, Mihai Anatolii Ciobanu [Translator]: Adnana Mihaela Pătrășcoiu

Година: 2021

Публикувал: Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca

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Rural life in Roman Dobrudja (1st - 3rd century AD)

Автор: Maria Bărbulescu

Година: 2001

Публикувал: Ex Ponto (Constanța)

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Sculptural art in Roman Dobrudja, 1st-3rd centuries

Автор: Zaharia Covacef

Година: 2002

Публикувал: Editura Nereamia Napocae, Cluj-Napoca

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The Circulation of the Byzantine Coin in Dobrudja (9th – 11th centuries)

Автор: Gabriel Gheorghe Custurea

Година: 2000

Публикувал: Ex Ponto, Constanța

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Circulation of Byzantine currency in Dobrudja (6th – 8th c. AD)

Автор: Gabriel Gheorghe Custurea

Година: 2019

Публикувал: Ex Ponto, Constanța

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The history of Dobrudja in the period 969-1204. Archaeological and numismatic contributions

Автор: Gheorghe Mănucu-Adameșteanu

Година: 2001

Публикувал: Editura MAD Linotype, București

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Byzantium at the Lower Danube (7th -10th centuries)

Автор: Oana Anca Damian

Година: 2015

Публикувал: Editura Istros, Brăila

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