• Име на ресурса Callatis. Roman- Byzantine necropolis
  • Автор Constantin Preda
  • ISBN -
  • Тип материал Text
  • Тема history and archaeology; Dobrudja, Romania (Europe).
  • Публикувал Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, București
  • Година 1980
  • Формат 27 cm, 224 p., 101 ill, 1 map.
  • Формат printing
  • Език Romanian (with an abstract in German)
  • Представяне Callatis. Necropola romano- bizantină (original title). The author presents the archaeological discoveries from one of the most important necropolises situated on the shore of the Black See and which belong to ancient Callatis. The importance of the book is summarized by the publication of all the funerary contexts researched until 1980 and also by the funerary architecture, rite and ritual and inventory. It is aimed at researchers and students.

Introduction - Research history - Types of graves. Rite and ritual - The inventory. Types of objects - Closure - Description of graves and inventory - Bibliographic abbreviations - Abbreviations for the description of graves and coins - Callatis. Die Römisch- Byzantinische nekropole (Zusammenfassung).

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Автор: A. Opaiț, A. Barnea, B. Grigoraș, A. Panaite, D. Hălmagi

Година: 2022

Публикувал: Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca

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Автор: AUTHORS: F. Topoleanu, C. Croitoru, CONTRIBUTOR (s) [Translator]: L. Sîrbu

Година: 2015

Публикувал: Maison d’édition Istros, Brăila

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