• Име на ресурса Foreign travelers about the Romanian Lands in the 19th century (1852-1856)
  • Автор Daniela Bușă
  • ISBN 978-973-27-2004-2 / 973-27-1129-9
  • Тип материал Text
  • Тема history, travellers, Ottoman authorities, ethnicity; Romania (Europe)
  • Публикувал Editura Academiei Române, București
  • Година 2010
  • Формат 25 cm; 816 p., colour ill.
  • Формат printing
  • Език Romanian
  • Представяне Călători străini despre Țările Române în secolul al XIX-lea (1852-1856) (original title). Of the 46 travellers who are the subject of the volume, 33 came from Western Europe, being French (15), English (12), German (4) and one Italian-Belgian. To them were added the Austrians (7), Russians (2), a Ukrainian, a Pole and an American Czech. It stands out the superficial impressions, in addition to disparate, hastily written information on the Romanian territory, about important personalities of the time, whose presence in the mainly is related to the war. About the animosities between the Ottoman authorities, Romanians; the occupants' misuse of the population; information and observations about political and economics life; ethnicity; the desire for unity of Romanians. Information about the state of the media, social life, culture, education, health system. All this is reflected in the pages of the volume. New Series, Volume VI. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.
  • Връзка към електронен ресурс https://pdfcoffee.com/calatori-straini-despre-tarile-romane-sec-xix-vol-vi-pdf-pdf-free.html

Preface - Francesco Nardi - Laurence Oliphant - Warington Wilkinson Smyth - Julius Heinrich Petermann - Jacques Boucher de Crèvecceur De Perthes - George William Frederick Howard - Conte de Carlisle - Sir Patrick O'Brien - Siegfried Kapper - Joseph Archer Crowe - Théophile-Sébastien Lavallee - Andrew Archibald Paton - Charles Doussault - P<iotr ?> Jadovski - Anonymous Polish - James Oscar Noyes - E. N. Hénocque-Melville - Thibault Lefebvre - Lev Nicolaevici Tolstoi - Charles Alexandre Fay - Michael Czajkowski (Sadyk Pașa) - Sir Stephen Bartlett Lakeman (Mazar Pașa) - Alfred Poissonnier - Q. Squarr - Heinrich von Hess - Anonymous English - Elise Bonzé (Rose Pompon) - Ferdinand Quesnoy - Edmund Spencer - Eugène Poujade - Joseph Caillat - Moritz von Angelli - Eugène Jouve - Johann Baptist Alexius Von – Coronini-Cronberg - Camille Allard - J.D. de Bois-Robert - Stephan Dietrich - Édouard Grenier - Alfons von Wimpffen - Agent ”Flavius” – Stokera - Emanuel Solomon Freiherr von Friedberg (Mirohorsky) - Émil Sayn-Wittgenstein Berleburg - Julius Franz Schreiber von Hessinghausen - Thomas Abel Brimage Spratt - Charles George Gordon - G. W. M. - Chronological repertoire – Index - List of translators and collaborators.

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