• Име на ресурса Late Roman cities and towns on the Lower Danube
  • Автор Mihai Sâmpetru
  • ISBN 973-95349-8-8
  • Тип материал Text
  • Тема history and archeology; Dobrudja, Romania and Bulgaria (Europe)
  • Публикувал S.C. Melior Trading S.R.L., București
  • Година 1994
  • Формат 23 cm, 181 p., 20 ill.
  • Формат Printing
  • Език Romanian (with abstract in French)
  • Представяне Orașe și cetăți romane târzii la Dunărea de Jos (original title). The volume presents the essential aspects of the late Roman culture in the Latin-speaking provinces located along the Danube, the Scythia Minor, the Moesia Secunda and the Dacia Ripensis (corresponding to the Moesia Inferior), exceeding its western limits. Chapter six of the analysis includes important centers from Moesia Prima, Dacia Mediterranea, Dardania and Pannonia Secunda. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.

Bibliography - Introduction - Late Roman habitat at Tropaeum – Southeast neighborhood. Late Roman dwelling at Tropaeum – Late Roman dwelling in other centers in the provinces bordering the Lower Danube. Monumental buildings of laic public character – Villa rustica on the Lower Danube in the late Roman era – Roman Christian basilica in the territory between the Danube and Haemus - Late Roman settlements – Conclusions – Notes - Illustrations - Abstract.

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Dinogetia II. Amforele Romane – Dinogetia II. Roman Amphoras

Автор: A. Opaiț, A. Barnea, B. Grigoraș, A. Panaite, D. Hălmagi

Година: 2022

Публикувал: Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca

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Lămpile antice din colecția Muzeului Brăilei ,,Carol Iʽʽ - Lampes antiques dans le collections du Musée de Brăila ,,Carol Iʽʽ

Автор: AUTHORS: F. Topoleanu, C. Croitoru, CONTRIBUTOR (s) [Translator]: L. Sîrbu

Година: 2015

Публикувал: Maison d’édition Istros, Brăila

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