• Име на ресурса Moesia Secunda, Scythia and Notitia Dignitatum
  • Автор Mihail Zahariade
  • ISBN -
  • Тип материал Text
  • Тема history, archeology and epigraphy; Romania, Bulgaria (Europe)
  • Публикувал Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România, București
  • Година 1988
  • Формат 24 cm, 200 p., 28 ill.
  • Формат printing
  • Език Romanian (with abstract in English)
  • Представяне Moesia Secunda, Scythia și Notitia Dignitatum (original title). This book analysis the presence of Moesia Secunda and Scythia in the Notitia Dignitatum from the epigraphical and archaeological point of view in regard with the army. The author discusses the military units and the fortifications mentioned in this document. It is aimed at researchers and students.

Abbreviations – Foreword – Introduction – Creation of Moesia Secunda and Scythia provinces - Provincial administration - Army in Moesia Secunda and Scythia - Moesia Secunda and Scythia fortification system - Economy, trade, transport in Moesia Secunda and Scythia - Conclusions – Summary - Indices.

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