• Име на ресурса Romanian sites, churches and monasteries in Dobrudja, before 1878
  • Автор Gheorghe Dumitrașcu
  • ISBN 973-97580-8-8
  • Тип материал Text
  • Тема history, religious life, ethnicity, orthodoxism; Dobrudja, Romania, Bulgaria (Europe)
  • Публикувал Editura Fundației ”Andrei Șaguna”, Constanța
  • Година 1996
  • Формат 23.5 cm, 231 p.
  • Формат printing
  • Език Romanian (with abstract in English)
  • Представяне Localități, biserici și mănăstiri românești în Dobrogea, până la 1878 (original title). The paper presents the history of the Romanian places of cult existing in Dobrudja until the War of Independence, as information not as a critical work. Each objective is presented together with the locality in which it functioned, for a real image, from an ethnic point of view, of the community it served. Bibliographic and archival sources were used to make it. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.

Inside of foreword - General bibliography - Christian churches in Dobrudja (3rd-7th centuries) - Christian churches in Dobrudja (8th-12th centuries) - Romanian Christian localities - Localities located in Bulgaria today - Romanian monasteries of Dobrudja before 1878 - Churches build together with other Christian ethnics – Appendice: the number and age of Romanian localities of Dobrudja before 1878 - A brief presentation.

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Dinogetia II. Amforele Romane – Dinogetia II. Roman Amphoras

Автор: A. Opaiț, A. Barnea, B. Grigoraș, A. Panaite, D. Hălmagi

Година: 2022

Публикувал: Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca

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Lămpile antice din colecția Muzeului Brăilei ,,Carol Iʽʽ - Lampes antiques dans le collections du Musée de Brăila ,,Carol Iʽʽ

Автор: AUTHORS: F. Topoleanu, C. Croitoru, CONTRIBUTOR (s) [Translator]: L. Sîrbu

Година: 2015

Публикувал: Maison d’édition Istros, Brăila

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