• Име на ресурса Sculptural art in Roman Dobrudja, 1st-3rd centuries
  • Автор Zaharia Covacef
  • ISBN 973-85586-3-8
  • Тип материал Text
  • Тема archeology, art, Roman; Dobrudja, Romania (Europe)
  • Публикувал Editura Nereamia Napocae, Cluj-Napoca
  • Година 2002
  • Формат 21 cm, 376 p., 44 pl., maps, tables.
  • Формат printing
  • Език Romanian (with abstract in French)
  • Представяне Arta sculpturală în Dobrogea romană, secolele I-III (original title). The volume gathers edited and unpublished material, amply illustrated, competently presented and passed through the filter of different interpretations made by specialists. The material is compartmentalized according to its secular, religious and funerary character. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.

Introduction - Forms of manifestation of sculptural art in Roman Dobrudja. The traditional Geto-Greek fund - Sculptural workshops - The origin of the material. Local careers. Imports - Conclusions. The peculiarities of the sculptural art on the Lower Danube and its role in the Romanization process of the province – Illustrations - Rèsumè.

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Dinogetia II. Amforele Romane – Dinogetia II. Roman Amphoras

Автор: A. Opaiț, A. Barnea, B. Grigoraș, A. Panaite, D. Hălmagi

Година: 2022

Публикувал: Mega Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca

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Lămpile antice din colecția Muzeului Brăilei ,,Carol Iʽʽ - Lampes antiques dans le collections du Musée de Brăila ,,Carol Iʽʽ

Автор: AUTHORS: F. Topoleanu, C. Croitoru, CONTRIBUTOR (s) [Translator]: L. Sîrbu

Година: 2015

Публикувал: Maison d’édition Istros, Brăila

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