• Име на ресурса The Blood of the Martyrs
  • Автор Victor Henrich Baumann
  • ISBN 978-606-565-101-2
  • Тип материал Text
  • Тема history, archaeology, martyr, basilica; Romania, Bulgaria (Europe).
  • Публикувал Editura Arhiepiscopiei Tomis - Editura Dobrogea, Constanța
  • Година 2015
  • Формат 24 cm, 260 p., 58 ill.
  • Формат printing
  • Език Romanian (with an abstract in English)
  • Представяне Sângele martirilor (original title). The author discusses one of the most important archaeological discoveries from Romania, the basilica from Niculițel, which has also a crypt – martyrion. The importance of the martyrs for the first Christians, as for the people today, is the same and the best proof is represented by the project of restoration of the basilica’s ruins. It is aimed at general public, researchers and students.
  • Връзка към електронен ресурс https://biblioteca-digitala.ro/?pub=1312-sangele-martirilor-the-blood-of-the-martyrs

Blessing of the Holy Martyrs - Foreword - About the “Blood of the Martyrs” - Current Edition Note - Foreword - Abbreviations - Historical Introduction - Blood of the Martyrs - Design Theme: On “In Situ” Restoration and Preservation of the martyr's basilica from Niculiţel village (Tulcea county) - Basilica with martyrion crypt-: study of architecture - Abstract. The Martyrion Basilica from Niculiţel - Bibliography - List of works published after 1972 on the martyr's basilica from Niculiţel - List of illustrations - Index of names and places.

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