• Име на ресурса The evolution of Dobrudja between 1918-1944.
  • Автор Valentin Ciorbea
  • ISBN 978-973-644-825-6
  • Тип материал Text
  • Тема history, geopolitics, economy, interwar; Romania, Bulgaria (Europe).
  • Публикувал Editura Ex Ponto, Constanța
  • Година 2008
  • Формат 24 cm, 591 p
  • Формат printing
  • Език Romanian (with an abstract in English)
  • Представяне Evoluția Dobrogei între anii 1918-1944. Contribuții la cunoașterea problemelor geopolitice, economice, demografice, sociale și ale vieții politice și militare (original title). The author made an accurate analyze to the evolution of Dobrudja from 1918 until 1940 and discuss the most important problems of this province. The book highlights the territorial losses from 1940 in all aspects of life in Dobrudja. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.

Foreword – Preface – Dobrudja at the end of First World War – The economy of Dobrudja between 1918-1944 – Dynamics and socio-professional structure of the population. Actions for improving the work conditions and salary – Political life. The activity of the organizations and political party and parliamentarians from Dobrudja – September 1940: The territorial losses of Dobrudja. Craiova Treaty (7th of September 1940) – Conclusions: Dobrudja (1918-1944). Contributions to the knowledge of the geopolitical, economic, demographic, social and military life of the region – Selective bibliography.

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