  • Създател Barbie du Bocage, Jean Denis ; Engraver/Printer: White, L. ; Cook, T.
  • Дата 1781

Uncolored map of Black Sea, Crimea Turkey. Shows rivers, mountains, and major cities. Relief shown pictorially. // 2nd edition with 30 folded plates of maps and views, table of contents, and text, titled Critical observations on the maps of ancient Greece: compiled for The Travels of Anacharsis the younger. By M. Barbie du Bocage: pages. 5-51. Anacharsis was a Scythian philosopher who traveled from his homeland on the northern shores of the Black Sea to Athens in the early 6th century BCE. Includes detailed study of the architecture of Classical Athens, superbly illustrated with plans and views. Some plates are outline hand colored. Bound in half leather, marbled paper covers.

Картографски модул

Опознай региона на Черно Море с нашите антични карти

Costline of the Black Sea

Категория: Карти

Година: 1525

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Crimeea Sea of Azov and muth of Dnieper River

Категория: Карти

Година: 1525

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