• Име на ресурса Romanian-Bulgarian population exchange. Implications for the evacuated Romanians. Documents (1940-1948)
  • Автор Virgil Coman, Nicoleta Grigore
  • ISBN 978-606-598-012-9
  • Тип материал Text
  • Тема contemporary history, archives, ethnic; Dobrudja, Bulgaria, Romania (Europe)
  • Публикувал Ex Ponto, Constanța
  • Година 2010
  • Формат 24 cm, 424 p., ill.
  • Формат printing
  • Език Romanian, English and German
  • Представяне Schimbul de populație româno-bulgar. Implicațiile asupra romînilor evacuați. Documente (1940-1948) (original title). Seven decays after the tragic events that had happened in Romania, whose consequences had repercussions on the inhabitants of Dobrudja, inhabitants that represented the object of the Romanian-Bulgarian exchange of population, some balanced evaluations of the archives and bringing them into the light constitute a priority of nowadays historians. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.

Argument - Introductive study - Author’s note - Documents list – Documents - Anthroponomic Index - Toponomic Index.

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