• Име на ресурса The coinage of the West-Pontic cities of Histria, Callatis and Tomis during the Autonomous era.
  • Автор Gabriel Talmațchi
  • ISBN 978-606-543-239-0
  • Тип материал Text
  • Тема coins, history, Greek numismatics; Dobrudja, Romania (Europe)
  • Публикувал Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca
  • Година 2011
  • Формат 30 cm, 765 p., 83 pl. and tables
  • Формат printing
  • Език Romanian (with abstract in English)
  • Представяне Monetăriile orașelor vest-pontice Histria, Callatis și Tomis în epocă autonomă. Iconografie, legendă, metrologie, cronologie și contramarcare (original title). The work represents the first synthesis in Romanian historiography on the coins of the Greek cities of the Dobruja in the autonomous era. The book is structured in ten chapters, the core being the chapters dedicated to the three West Pontic mints Histria, Callatis and Tomis, following the iconography, caption, metrology and chronology. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.

Introduction - Foreword – Evocation – General considerations on the political and economic history of the Western-Pontic cities and the Dobrujan area (the 7th – 1st century BC.) – The monetary-symbols and Dobrujan Western-Pontic mints (the 6th – 5th century BC.) – General aspects regarding the development of the monetary process in the Dobrujan Western-Pontic colonies in the framework of the Greek world – Histria mint during the autonomous epoch – Callatis mint during the autonomous epoch - Tomis mint during the autonomous epoch – The phenomenon of issuing pseudo-Alexander the 3rd and pseudo-Lysimach type coins in the Dobrujan Western-Pontic mints – Contramarks of the Dobrujan Western-Pontic colonies coins during the autonomous epoch - Conclusions –Bibliography – Abstract - Appendix.

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