• Име на ресурса The Ottoman Empire. 1700 - 1922
  • Автор Donald Quataert
  • ISBN 978-0-521-54782-6
  • Тип материал Text
  • Тема history, the Ottoman Empire; Balkans, Anatolia, Middle East (Europe, Asia)
  • Публикувал Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  • Година 2005
  • Формат 23 cm, 234 p., 19 ill., 8 maps
  • Формат printing
  • Език English
  • Представяне Edition revised. This book examines the major trends during the latter years of the empire; it pays attention to gender issues and to hotly debated topics such as the treatment of minorities. In this second edition, was updated the text, has been revised the bibliographies and included brief biographies of major figures on the Byzantines and the post Ottoman Middle East. The volume contains genealogical and chronological tables. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.
  • Връзка към електронен ресурс http://institutobrasilisrael.org/cms/assets/uploads/_BIBLIOTECA/_PDF/historia-do-sionismo-e-do-periodo-mandatorio/ecc639babc0cbc3fbd71536a9014ead7.pdf

List of plates - List of maps – Preface - Guide to pronunciation of Turkish words and a note on place names - Genealogy of the Ottoman dynasty - Chronology of Ottoman history, 1260–1923 - Why study Ottoman history? - The Ottoman Empire from its origins until 1683 - The Ottoman Empire, 1683–1798 - The nineteenth century - The Ottomans and their wider world - Ottoman methods of rule - The Ottoman economy: population, transportation, trade, agriculture, and manufacturing - Ottoman society and popular culture - Inter-communal co-operation and conflict - Legacies of the Ottoman Empire – Index - New approaches to European history.

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