• Име на ресурса The port of Constanța. The port of Anghel Saligny
  • Автор Petre Covacef
  • ISBN 973-86378-5-6
  • Тип материал Text
  • Тема history, port, technique; Dobrudja, Romania (Europe)
  • Публикувал Editura Companiei Naționale Administrația Porturilor Maritime SA, Constanța
  • Година 2004
  • Формат 30 cm; 346 p., ill. (a few colors).
  • Формат printing
  • Език Romanian (with abstract in English)
  • Представяне Portul Constanța. Portul lui Anghel Saligny (original title). The volume reflects the technical, administrative and organizational achievements of the engineer A. Saligny (1854-1925), educated at the Higher Technical School in Charlottenburg. Rich data are presented on the technical organization in Romania, the engineering profession, the collaborators of A. Saligny from Constanța, the evolution of the Dobrudjan ports up to the port of A. Saligny and their systematization. A. Saligny is the builder of the bridge over the Danube, the longest in Europe at the time of its construction. It is aimed at researchers, students and the general public.

Editor’s page –Forward – The mirage of the port (Preface) – Anghel Saligny’s mission – On technical organization in Romania – On engineers – Old ports in Dobrudja – The grant of Constanța port – Constanța port at the end of the 19th century - Constanța port at the beginning of the 20th century - Anghel Saligny’s built port – The opening of Constanța port - Anghel Saligny and the city of Constanța – Prominent engineers of Romania – Bibliography – Autobiography – English Contents.

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