  • Създател John Rapkin
  • Дата 1854
  • Издател/Напечатал London
  • Език English
  • Формат 31.75 x 25.4 cm, paper
  • Информация за карта 44 06'05.28'' N 28 43'23.23'' E
    47 09'05.07'' N 27 42'03.28'' E
    45 40'17.17'' N 21 17'46.37'' E
    44 23'39.32'' N 33 42'42.04'' E
    41 59'42.13'' N 35 10'53.15'' E
  • Препратки First published in John Tallis, The Illustrated Atlas and Modern History of the World: geographical, political, commercial & statistical, R. Montgomery Martin (ed.), London-New York, John Tallis & Company, 1852; then in Henry Tyrrell, The History of the War with Russia: Giving Full Details of the Operations of the Allied Armies, vols. 1-3, London-New York, London Printing and Publishing Company, 1854-1855. (https://www.raremaps.com/gallery/detail/80809)

Black Sea (with Eastern Europe and central Asia)

Картографски модул

Опознай региона на Черно Море с нашите антични карти

Costline of the Black Sea

Категория: Карти

Година: 1525

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Crimeea Sea of Azov and muth of Dnieper River

Категория: Карти

Година: 1525

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