  • Създател Placide de Sainte-Helene, 1648-1734 ; Du Val, Pierre, 1619-1683 ;
    Engraver/Printer: Berey, Charles Amadeus de.
  • Дата 1703

1 map on 3 sheets, engraved hand color in outline. Showing course of the Danube River, from its source to the Black Sea. Includes decorative cartouches. Relief shown pictorially. // Father Placide's Maps of Geography, collected in an atlas in the early eighteenth century. Including 43 engraved maps, dated 1677-1707. We date the atlas as 1714 based on the date of Placide's portrait. Most of the maps were made by Pierre Duval and reissued in this atlas by Duval's widow and Placide. Title inscribed in a frontispiece signed by Nicolas Guerard, decorated with allegories of religion and geographical instruments, illustrated with a ship returning to port in the lower center. Father Placide de Saint Helena, Augustinian, was the brother-in-law of Pierre Duval, He made his own engraved maps after the death of Pierre Duval. It is likely that he had previously provided maps to Duval, as a handwritten note on his map of Siam reports that this map was first put under the name of Duval because Placide had not not yet received a privilege.

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Costline of the Black Sea

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Година: 1525

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