  • Създател Ottens
  • Дата 1745

Fine example of Ottens Sea Chart of the Black Sea region, based upon Van Keulen's 3 sheet map of the region. The map extends from Constantinopoli (Istanbul) in the south to the Sea of Azov and neighboring regions, identifying in fine detail the the coastal cities and depths of the coastal waters. The map is embellished with a large cartouche and deciation of th Nicolas Witsen, Mayor of the City of Amsterdam, along with rhumblines, a scale of miles and decorative compass rose. : Map shows Russia, Balkans, Turkey, Ukraine, Asia Minor. : Stanford copy: Old Color.

Картографски модул

Опознай региона на Черно Море с нашите антични карти

Costline of the Black Sea

Категория: Карти

Година: 1525

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Crimeea Sea of Azov and muth of Dnieper River

Категория: Карти

Година: 1525

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