  • Създател Blaeu
  • Дата 1635

A gorgeous example of Hessel Gerritsz's map of Russia, with the large inset of Moscow and plan of Archangelsckagoroda. Hessel Gerritsz's map of Russia, first issued 1613, was published by Blaeu after he acquired the plate following Gerritsz's death in 1632. The top left corner has an inset plan of Moscow with a 17-point key. On the right is a prospect of Archangel, Russia's only northern port until the founding of St Petersburg in 1700. Three figures in Russian dress stand above. The title is within a martial cartouche. The map was compiled from manuscript maps and work brought back by Isaac Massa. The inset plan of Moscow has been attributed to the Crown Prince Fydor Gudonov. : Map shows Baltic, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Black Sea.

Картографски модул

Опознай региона на Черно Море с нашите антични карти

Costline of the Black Sea

Категория: Карти

Година: 1525

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Crimeea Sea of Azov and muth of Dnieper River

Категория: Карти

Година: 1525

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