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Greek civilization in the West Pontic area and its impact on the native world (7th - 4th centuries BC)

Автор: Livia Buzoianu

Година: 2001

Публикувал: Ovidius University Press, Constanța

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Potter’s marks (the 7th -16th centuries). Considerations and catalogue for the Carpathian-Danubian-Pontic territory

Автор: Cristina Paraschiv-Talmațchi

Година: 2006

Публикувал: Editura Scriptorium, București

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40 Medieval City-Ports in North Aegean and the Black Sea. A cultural guide

Автор: EDITED: Flora Karagianni

Година: 2014

Публикувал: European Centre for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Monuments, Thessalonike

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Roman Art and Civilization – a Common Language in Antiquity. Catalogue of the itinerant exhibition

Автор: COORDINATOR: Mihaela Iacob; TRANSLATION: Cătălin Hriban

Година: 2014

Публикувал: Tulcea County Council

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Minor fortifications in the Balkan-Danubian area from Diocletian to Justinian

Автор: Constantin Băjenaru

Година: 2010

Публикувал: Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca

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Repertoriul tezaurelor monetare din Dobrogea – The repertoire of monetary hoards from Dobrudja

Автор: Gabriel Custurea, Gabriel Talmațchi

Година: 2011

Публикувал: Ex Ponto, Constanța

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The Gaetic population in Dobrudja from the 1st century B.C. to the 2nd A.D.

Автор: Constantin Șova

Година: 2015

Публикувал: Academia Română. Centrul de Studii Transilvane, Cluj-Napoca

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Urban fortifications in Scythia Minor

Автор: Liviu Lungu

Година: 2015

Публикувал: Tipo Moldova, Iași

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Late Roman cities and towns on the Lower Danube

Автор: Mihai Sâmpetru

Година: 1994

Публикувал: S.C. Melior Trading S.R.L., București

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The Macedonian type coins from Dobrudja. From the beginning to the creation of the Kingdom of Tylis in Thrace

Автор: Gabriel Mircea Talmațchi

Година: 2006

Публикувал: Editura T3, Sfântu Gheorghe

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Ancient sculpture in the permanent exhibition of the Museum of National History and Archaeology Constanța

Автор: Zaharia Covacef

Година: 2011

Публикувал: Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca

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Gold Jewelry in the Collections of the Museum for National History and Archaeology Constanța

Автор: Virgil Lungu, Zaharia Covacef, Constantin Chera

Година: 2012

Публикувал: Ex Ponto, Constanța

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